Saturday 8 February 2014

Weekly Top 5: TV Series

Top 5 TV Series

1. Friends - 10 years, 10 seasons of comedy, love, tears and a whole package of wacky experiences 6 best of friends have in the greatest city in the world. What's so mesmerising about Friends is that you can relate to characters regardless of your age and gender. It is a series where all the characters are loved, never hated and every episode guarantees to give you a big smile on your face. These series are a great inspiration to all of the modern series. Watch it and pick up the similarities. 

2. The Big Bang Theory - My second favourite TV series is Two and A Half Men... Bazinga! Regardless of your intellect and knowledge of science, you don't have to be a 'brainiac' to enjoy the humour of the Big Bang Theory. If you want to see socially challenged geniuses trying to live an ordinary life, then this is the show for you... 6 different characters come together to bond in a very very unique way..

3. The Simpsons - A family of yellow people living in the beloved town of Springfield. For 26 years, The Simpsons have continued to wow audiences of all ages through their diverse jokes and their 'out of the box' experiences. The 25 series have produced a series of musicals, adventures, Halloween Specials and even a huge movie and app that have become one of the biggest grossing movies and products of all time. 

4. How I Met Your Mother - One story that has lasted for nine years. How one man found his one true love. How I Met Your Mother is a 'cool' and 'modern' adaptation to Friends with a pinch of crazy.  If you wanna see characters re-enact strange tasks and stories then this is the show to watch. Also, a pre-warning... the mother takes 8 seasons to be discovered. It's like reading a book, you can't just jump to Chapter 8, you must indulge all the chapters...

5. Rules of Engagement - Whether you are married, engaged, sex-driven or just
single then rules of engagement is the show for you. Similar to the comedy of Friends, Rules of Engagement deals with people of all ages trying to live their ordinary lives in New York City. Possibly, the highlight of the entire is show is the unusual relationship between Timmy and Russell. How can he tolerate the torture he is given? Is it even legal to make an assistant rub lotion on your body?

What are your favourite TV Series?