Tuesday 4 February 2014


I couldn't wait until Halloween to unlock this post because many people associate my name with Vladimir the Vampire. And frankly, I love it! Vlad is a very uncommon name. It is defined as Prince of the World. Since my last name is Marin, it combines to form The Prince of the World and Sea. What a crazy coincidence that I am a Pisces at the same time. Something fishy has gone on....

Vampires are defined as blood drinking monsters and have featured in myths for thousands of years. The Ancient Greeks believed in creatures called lamaie that ate children and drank blood. Ew!

Even on the other side of the world, there are stories from India from 3500 years ago that talk about these vampire like creatures called Rakshasas.

Modern ideas come from Eastern Europe. They are pale skinned and 'undead' who sleep in coffins and come out at night to drink blood and transform others into vampires.

Legend has it that by drinking blood, supernatural powers are gained. This is starting to sound like a pretty epic camp-fire story! Where are those damn marshmallows??

The most famous vampire is Count Dracula from the self-titled book by Bram Stoker. It is believed that Stoker drew inspiration from the bloodthirsty Romanian icon that is Vladimir the Impaler.

If you were to find a book on how to get rid of vampires, all you need is a crucifix, garlic and holy water.
3 ways to kill a vampire: Drive a wooden stake in the heart (not the crotch! As so cleverly portrayed in the Treehouse of Horror), expose the vampire to sunlight or set him on fire. Burn baby burn!

Don't worry ladies! It just so happens that in 1560, a Slovak noblewoman, Elizabeth Bathroy killed over 600 girls in order to keep a youthful complexion. She practically drunk their blood down like a drink from MacDonald's.

The medical condition, porphyria, also causes sensitivity to sunlight and certain foods cause the gums to deteriorate and give the incisors an appearance of fangs! Fang-tastic!

In modern times, books such as the Twilight Saga pays tribute to these mythological creatures. Some people have commented that my messy hair resembles that of Edward Cullen. I think I am starting to fit this 'vampire portfolio'...What could this mean??

In other batty television news, True Blood and Vampire Diaries are key examples of tributes to vampires. 

Vampires also have had an impact on technology. If you can't be a vampire in real life, then you can on the Sims. You can dress (s)he up and make them socialise with other 'species' of society.  

It is insane to think how a small scary story can evolve into so many different directions throughout the endless generations.

What does your name mean? Do you have any legendary stories about your name?