Sunday 2 March 2014

A New Direction...

Having been nurtured in a Catholic School for so long it has been hard to get a better view of different cultures and religious ideas. It feels as if I have been fixated to follow a set of rules created from one of the branches of Christianity. Having moved out of my secondary school, its meant I have taken a new step and now I have the freedom in believing in what I feel will guide me through the rest of my life. After studying religion and philosophy, both practically and analytically, I have discovered that I disagree with many of the ideas and fundamental doctrines of the Church. We live in a new generation where science has taken the lead into discovering how we ended up here in the first place. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that science has the answer to everything. In my opinion, the key to finding the answer is combining the two and also having an open mind about everything. After the rush of these new feelings, I decided to look up to see if there is in existence a religion or group of people that feel the same way. The end result, I have found that Buddhism could be the answer to my views. Buddhism is a practice, not a religion and focuses on eradicating human suffering and promoting love in a passive way.