Saturday 8 February 2014

Weekly Top 5: TV Series

Top 5 TV Series

1. Friends - 10 years, 10 seasons of comedy, love, tears and a whole package of wacky experiences 6 best of friends have in the greatest city in the world. What's so mesmerising about Friends is that you can relate to characters regardless of your age and gender. It is a series where all the characters are loved, never hated and every episode guarantees to give you a big smile on your face. These series are a great inspiration to all of the modern series. Watch it and pick up the similarities. 

2. The Big Bang Theory - My second favourite TV series is Two and A Half Men... Bazinga! Regardless of your intellect and knowledge of science, you don't have to be a 'brainiac' to enjoy the humour of the Big Bang Theory. If you want to see socially challenged geniuses trying to live an ordinary life, then this is the show for you... 6 different characters come together to bond in a very very unique way..

3. The Simpsons - A family of yellow people living in the beloved town of Springfield. For 26 years, The Simpsons have continued to wow audiences of all ages through their diverse jokes and their 'out of the box' experiences. The 25 series have produced a series of musicals, adventures, Halloween Specials and even a huge movie and app that have become one of the biggest grossing movies and products of all time. 

4. How I Met Your Mother - One story that has lasted for nine years. How one man found his one true love. How I Met Your Mother is a 'cool' and 'modern' adaptation to Friends with a pinch of crazy.  If you wanna see characters re-enact strange tasks and stories then this is the show to watch. Also, a pre-warning... the mother takes 8 seasons to be discovered. It's like reading a book, you can't just jump to Chapter 8, you must indulge all the chapters...

5. Rules of Engagement - Whether you are married, engaged, sex-driven or just
single then rules of engagement is the show for you. Similar to the comedy of Friends, Rules of Engagement deals with people of all ages trying to live their ordinary lives in New York City. Possibly, the highlight of the entire is show is the unusual relationship between Timmy and Russell. How can he tolerate the torture he is given? Is it even legal to make an assistant rub lotion on your body?

What are your favourite TV Series? 

Tuesday 4 February 2014


I couldn't wait until Halloween to unlock this post because many people associate my name with Vladimir the Vampire. And frankly, I love it! Vlad is a very uncommon name. It is defined as Prince of the World. Since my last name is Marin, it combines to form The Prince of the World and Sea. What a crazy coincidence that I am a Pisces at the same time. Something fishy has gone on....

Vampires are defined as blood drinking monsters and have featured in myths for thousands of years. The Ancient Greeks believed in creatures called lamaie that ate children and drank blood. Ew!

Even on the other side of the world, there are stories from India from 3500 years ago that talk about these vampire like creatures called Rakshasas.

Modern ideas come from Eastern Europe. They are pale skinned and 'undead' who sleep in coffins and come out at night to drink blood and transform others into vampires.

Legend has it that by drinking blood, supernatural powers are gained. This is starting to sound like a pretty epic camp-fire story! Where are those damn marshmallows??

The most famous vampire is Count Dracula from the self-titled book by Bram Stoker. It is believed that Stoker drew inspiration from the bloodthirsty Romanian icon that is Vladimir the Impaler.

If you were to find a book on how to get rid of vampires, all you need is a crucifix, garlic and holy water.
3 ways to kill a vampire: Drive a wooden stake in the heart (not the crotch! As so cleverly portrayed in the Treehouse of Horror), expose the vampire to sunlight or set him on fire. Burn baby burn!

Don't worry ladies! It just so happens that in 1560, a Slovak noblewoman, Elizabeth Bathroy killed over 600 girls in order to keep a youthful complexion. She practically drunk their blood down like a drink from MacDonald's.

The medical condition, porphyria, also causes sensitivity to sunlight and certain foods cause the gums to deteriorate and give the incisors an appearance of fangs! Fang-tastic!

In modern times, books such as the Twilight Saga pays tribute to these mythological creatures. Some people have commented that my messy hair resembles that of Edward Cullen. I think I am starting to fit this 'vampire portfolio'...What could this mean??

In other batty television news, True Blood and Vampire Diaries are key examples of tributes to vampires. 

Vampires also have had an impact on technology. If you can't be a vampire in real life, then you can on the Sims. You can dress (s)he up and make them socialise with other 'species' of society.  

It is insane to think how a small scary story can evolve into so many different directions throughout the endless generations.

What does your name mean? Do you have any legendary stories about your name?

Sunday 2 February 2014

Written in the Stars... Part 2

Previously, I posted a blog giving you readers an idea of what my personality is liked based on Greek mythology and cosmology. However, there is more to my personality than just the Pisces. In fact, in Ancient Chinese, astrologically I am known as the Fire Ox. What I find crazy is that these elements (fire and water) are so extremely different yet they have the ability to unite and design my characteristics.

The Fire provides the Ox an energetic and spontaneous personality, a trait quite rare seen in any of the other signs. We visions great things for our future and we are driven to achieve our goals. My aim is to become a lawyer and to strike gold with all my other targets in life e.g. have a family, make lots of friends, make every day count and to travel the world.
However, underneath this hard shell that we wrap ourselves in lies a deep compassion and warmth, much like a glowing flame. Although we have great power like a fire, we can ignite our temper (often short fused) and get blinded easily by the sharp reality and limitations we face in life. As I am stubborn in my nature, I tend to just listen to my heart and dive straight into something even though there is a risk of failure at the end of it.

Our most vital organ is the heart. Again, this reiterates a loving nature to us as well passionate and sensual. This is closely linked to the flames of passion. In order to preserve and support our heart, we must engage in exercise and try to extinguish the stress that cloaks over our lives. In extreme situations, we tend to be very pessimistic and exhausted physically and mentally. This happened to me on several occasions. For example, when I climbed Mount Kenya (5000 metres) and when I took part in my Gold D of E expedition.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Weekly Top 5: Apps

Top 5 Apps:

1. Candy Crush Saga - Confession: I have a serious candy-related addiction to this game. The graphics are basic and effective and the levels just get extra challenging when more sugar snacks get involved. Only issue is that completing levels can also be down to luck and that you could be stuck for months on a level. Get your lucky charms out if you want to succeed!

2. Simpsons Tapped Out - I have been a massive fan of the Simpsons from as long as I remember. Therefore, the ability to design my own Springfield and act as a 'yellow god' is absolutely perfect. Only disappointment is that you have to buy doughnuts using REAL money to get premium stuff. Am I that sad? Yes...

3. Empire - Once upon a time... there was a castle ruled by an almighty king... That's right! It was me! Building up your own castle with defences, soldiers and little houses. Only problem, you can be consistently under attack by fellow players who tend to have very powerful armies. Where's that damn fire extinguisher??

4. Cut The Rope - one of my absolute favourite games of all time. Logically exhilarating and fun to do. The more traps put in place, the stickier the situation. Work it out for yourself! That little monster needs its candy...

5. Angry Birds - No game cries out 'TIMBER' better than a game that shoots birds up in the air and catapults them straight into complex constructions. Those little piggies are not getting away with the eggs that quickly. Sometimes it can be quite challenging and gaining 3 stars for everything is a major chore. Are you up for it?

  • What are your favourite apps? 
  • Please vote on the weekly pole.  
  • Please feel free to comment too

*This blog will be removed in one week's time for another delightful Top 5 blog.

Leaving Secondary School... What To Expect After Year 11

I've decided to post something a little more 'outside of the box' which some readers may find controversial in opinion. 

These are all the emotions I felt at one point during the few months bordering Year 11 and Year 12

However, I want to present to you what happened after I closed the chapter of my 5 years at secondary school and how this blog may prepare you to brace yourself for the upcoming future.

A range of emotions swam inside my head as soon as I realised Year 11 was over. Happiness, Satisfaction, Fear, Paranoia, I could go on... Overall, a very mixed vision of what was next for Vlad Marin...

I was not able to stay at the same sixth form as my friends as I moved home during the time of the 2012 Olympic Games and found it a chore to drive half an hour each day, there and back, as well as study for 15 different subjects I was forced to study.

It was time to take a deep breath and exhale the bad memories and moments I had at secondary school but also to leave behind a part of my life that I will cherish and remember for the many years to come.

The build up to the end the year consisted of people acting like a broken record, repeating 'I will miss you so much' and 'It won't be the same without you'. True! 

It won't be the same and for some people, I will miss them very much and will keep in contact with them.

What I hadn't realised was most of what people said were just plain words. Whether or not they meant it solely depended on their actions. If they take on the title of being considered 'friend' or 'best friend', then surely it is in their responsibility as well to keep in contact and ensure that the relationship remains equally strong. This is expressed in the modest way possible... but ever since I left my school, I knew it was primarily down to me to text people and call them as I was one of few that actually left the friendship group.

However, we have to be realistic. I, or anyone else in my situation, cannot and should not just be pulling the weight on their own. That clearly highlights what your friends think of you. I am not necessarily stating that you will fall under this extreme situation but honestly, it is bound to open your eyes and see where your loyalties lie with people. I knew so many people at my sixth form and I only keep in touch with my friends I made on my Kenya expedition and some of those 'unique' people I cherish and love and who I know feel the same way back. The rest are like strangers to me as I feel completely abandoned by the them.

Now that I am a little older, wiser, smarter I able to see people in a clearly different light and I could not be happier. Instead of trying to please everyone, be yourself and people will come to you. Also, it is good practice when it comes to university and even when you get a job. Not everyone is going to stick around with you for the rest of their lives. Only the best of them will...