Thursday 16 January 2014

All Around the World... Europe

Having seen over half the countries in Europe simply in a car and plane, there are still a few little doors I have left to open and discover what's behind them...

1. Norway
Baby when they look up at the sky, we'll see shooting stars just passing by. We'll be burning up like neon lights. Just like in Disney's classical motion picture: Brother Bear, I want to see the Northern Lights. The cosmic colours and E.T. like atmosphere is something I have never witnessed before. The native Americans believed these lights were reflections from camp-fires and that the lights are spirits of the great people. Maybe when I pass away, I could be part of this magical scenery...

2. Greece
Greetings Helios, God of Sun... Greece is the perfect place for a decent holiday with friends or family. The crisp blue beaches and the intense summer heat compliment each other perfectly. I want to try some more Mediterranean fish cuisines and develop my taste buds to a new level. Also, I want to see the Greek temples and learn more about the gods and the origins of the Olympic games. Perhaps a cruise is available online?

3. Iceland
Land of fire and ice. My teacher went on a school trip with a group of students to Iceland and they were caught when the volcano actually erupted. In fact, they were on the only flight to make it out of Iceland. Personally, I want to experience a hot spring bath and to see the epic ice glaciers, and above all stay in an ice hotel. 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

All Around The World... Asia

Previously stated, I have travelled to 5 different continents. However, why stop there?
In these upcoming blogs, I will present you my current top holiday destinations I would love to go to in my life. Firstly, we start with Asia...

1. Japan
Moshi Moshi! I left my heart in Tokyo, down by the river don't you know? Japan: the land which gave birth to Anime, Hello Kitty, Sushi and out of this world video games! Much of my passion lies in history, however Japan instantly becomes the exception in certain ways. Nothing would thrill me more than to see the blinding lights of Tokyo centre and buying myself something only the next generation can provide to the world. A robot perhaps? Also, a nice hot spring bath with a plate of 'fishy delights' would be a perfect way to relax and isolate yourself from the real world. Japan is the place where your imagination can run wild. I heard that Japanese businessmen enjoy a bit o' karaoke. They ain't seen nothing until I step up on that stage...
2. India
What could be more perfect than a spicy, 'curry fused' trip to the Land of Festivals? The blood orange sun radiating upon the beauty that is Taj Mahal, colourful peacocks opening their feathers like a fan, blooming lotuses on the ponds... Ever since I've learnt about the history of Hinduism, I've been fascinated by the mysterious culture of India. I would love to see the movie centre of Bollywood and the bursting diversity of wildlife such as the Bengal tigers or the deadly cobras. If there is a jungle or local village, it will immediately resurrect the film: Jungle Book into an actual Disney reality...

3. China
The Forbidden City. The untouched paradise that is Asia's dreamland. For years, I have been driven to make a trip to China however, it remains to this day to be a dream. To experience the full extent of China's greatness, you need a lot more than a week's worth of holiday. Several films, cartoons and music videos displaying China as a prosperous, rich and historical country has made me more eager to reach it. The architecture of the buildings and the famous landmarks such as the Great Wall of China and the Imperial Palace have always remained in my mind. I am already in love with the art, food and traditions this country has to offer. What could be more therapeutic than drinking tea, eating dumplings and meditating to find one's inner peace? Also, I want to learn more about the military power of China and see the Terracotta Warriors of the Qin dynasty. Both history and modern features attract my attention, for example, China is famous for its vibrantly coloured acrobatics, soothing music, theatre and intense martial arts. In my opinion, China is a symbol of artistic expression and freedom and that is what I crave to see...

Monday 13 January 2014

Written In the Stars...

As I was born in February, I think it would be interesting to give you a flavour of what my personality is like in accordance to the stars.

My zodiac sign is Pisces, which is Latin for 'Fish'.

It is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiacal cycle.

We are often described as selfless, spiritual however very deep in emotion. We are able to feel the burdens and joys of ourselves as well as the people around us.

We have a charitable and romantic element to our personalities. In my opinion, I am a hopeless romantic and I do believe in treating a woman with the highest of respect. Also, nothing gives me greater satisfaction knowing I made a difference to someone's life.

Of course, we are very sensitive but we are not pushovers. Our strength lies in our emotions and we are seen as unpredictable, similarly to the waves of the ocean.

One word to describe us is 'dreamy'. We envision paradise, natural beauty, peace, serenity.

The pair of fish is related to the idea of the yin and yang. As Pisces, the illusory world and reality complete each other. This can be interpreted as we have imaginative and visionary minds. We can see things in a different light and we express ourselves freely.

Pisces have a passion for swimming. It is considered therapeutic in our eyes as it is an escape from the stress and pain therefore we can eliminate the background noise, tension and relax in a pool of our thoughts and feelings.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter (the original ruler of Pisces) was the king of the gods, while Neptune was the ruler of the seas. When Neptune was discovered in recent times, it was attached to this sign. The pairing of these two heavenly bodies results in some unique energies being directed toward Pisces here on Earth.

One mythological story in relation to Pisces, is that it represents the fish that Aphrodite/Venus and Eros/Cupid transformed into in order to escape the 'father of all monsters', Typhon.

I am a stronger believer of science, however I do find it an interesting how my personality is parallel to that of the myths and stories behind this sign. I describe myself as a bucket of emotions and am very unpredictable in my actions. I take on every day with a different approach and see where it takes me.  

Sunday 12 January 2014


Firstly, I want to start by introducing myself and giving people an idea of who I am.

1. I was born in Romania in a small, close knit family and have moved when I was a small child to England.

2. I enjoy listening to music, watching films, going out and trying something new everyday. Typical teenager....

3. I have travelled to 5 different continents, I love to travel and learn from different cultures.

4. I took part in a one month expedition to Kenya where I helped poor local African communities by plastering houses, laying foundations of a new classroom and climbing the second highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kenya.

5. I take Biology, History, Geography and Law at sixth form. My ambition is to become a lawyer...

6. I have quite a bubbly, loud and confident personality. I enjoy jokes and laughing and making friends even if it involves pushing the barrier and making that first step...

7.  My favourite kind of food is Italian. Pasta, Pizza, the works....

8. My beliefs are very simple: I am open to the idea of God as there has to be something beyond what we see. However, I do not particularly agree to fixate on something. My beliefs act as my own religion.

9. My birth date is: February 27th

10. My motto: Hakuna Matata and EAT SLEEP RAVE REPEAT.... question you might ask is why would you want to follow me? Well... Easy!
I enjoy writing and will be producing a lot of reviews, facts about me, sharing my amazing experiences and also wanting to get your opinion on topics.

Feel free to comment, follow and ask any questions you would like!