Friday 9 September 2016

The Walking Dead: My Summer Series

Dear Readers,

As many of my close friends know, I've started watching The Walking Dead and Orange is the New Black this summer to eat up the time between socializing, going to work and going on holiday. Despite being weary about the idea of a zombie apocalypse, my friend Rokas brought me out of this narrow minded view and I gave it a shot. And do you know what? I was pleasantly surprised! I had no idea that I would be into such an awesome TV series. ME! 

So I decided to do my Friday blog on this TV series, giving it my hardest attempt at not giving away too many spoilers. Currently, I have just finished Season 4 where the prison gang have reunited in a train cart, at a so called 'sanctuary' called Terminus. And what a hell of a journey it has been for all of the characters! 

What I love the most about this TV series is that the producers and writers have formulated such a realistic masterpiece, portraying a diversity of different personalities and how naturally, the human race would potentially cope if the world was coming to an end. Its interesting how each character has their own story to tell and how the main characters have survived through thick and thin, a flurry of emotional and action packed twists along their mysterious journey. 

For people who are interested in the Walking Dead, I say 110% go for it because its such an excellent TV series. The only disadvantage to binge watching the entire show is that each season is like a little chapter of an overall massive story, so the pace is quite slow as it feels like the story is taken day by day. But the good thing is is that its never boring and often quite thrilling. What could be better than watching a group of armed people running away from a herd of bloodthirsty monsters? FYI, it's not for the very faint hearted. You are constantly on the edge of your seat due to the growing tension that arises as a result. You never know who is next that will face their fate with the Walkers.

If you still need a little convincing, then maybe some statistics could tip you over the edge. The Waling Dead has the highest ratings in cable television history, including the most 18- to 49-year-old viewers of any cable or broadcast television series since Season 3. It is clear that this series attracts a multitude of people of all ages. Rotten Tomatoes has rated it over 80/100 which is the same as the overall average of reviews, clearly indicating its a top notch series to watch. Also, to all of you Game of Thrones fanatics like me, it would surprise you to know that average views of each episode in the Walking Dead is twice as big as GOT. It just goes to show the massive impact of this television series too!

So there you have it, if you have nothing better to do with your weekend guys, I suggest you make some popcorn and have a blood splattering night of watching the Walking Dead. Lucky for me, I only have two seasons to go before I am fully caught up and I can rest easy knowing Season 7 is just around the corner...!

Image result for the walking dead