Sunday 2 October 2016

Week 1 Of Uni

Dear Readers,

The summer has officially gone and I have been in university for 2 weeks. My lectures started last week, finally giving me an activity that I can work really hard on, in parallel to this blog. I am having several concerns, because obviously, one of my main aims is to make this blog bigger and better for you guys to read. But, where there's a will, there's a way they say!

Since being here, I feel like I have become a lot better at 'housey' stuff. What do I mean this? Well, I have been developing my skills as a Masterchef in the house, cooking an array of platters such as pasta, pasta and more pasta. Miraculously, I have not set anything on fire although I wish I could say the same about my housemate. Word to the wise, never chuck a frozen piece of meat on spitting hot oil. A fire WILL happen!

With regards to painting the town red, I haven't actually gone out to the clubs as much as I did the first year of university. When I was a fresher, I always considered second years to be moody creatures. Although, now I have come to realise the reason for this is that the amount of freshers that are around town in the first week is shocking. It is all about them and obviously all of the freshers are scurrying quickly to try out every drink and every single club that the famous Liverpool night life has to offer.

With regards to seeing all of my friends, one of the few genuine disadvantages of living in a house is that you cannot see all of your flatmates as easily or even people from different flats. Second year feels like nothing has changed apart from the geographical setting which unfortunately could cause certain friendship ties to be lost. But, at least we will always have the memories, eh? With regards to seeing all my friends on my course, it was awesome to have a catch up session between lecture breaks and find out how they celebrated their summers. Everyone has a cool story to tell.

But all in all, this week hasn't been very exciting....hopefully the future weeks will have a little more 'pizaz' to them. Let's see how I feel after week 2. £10 bet that I will feel like I'm behind on 50 modules although I'm only taking 4...